Indipendenza Le Monde, 26 economisti: «Non vorremmo mica imitare l’Italia»

Indipendenza Le Monde, 26 economisti: «Non vorremmo mica imitare l’Italia»

Ventisei economisti si mobilitano a favore del quotidiano ‘Le Mondè sottolineando come l«’indipendenza dei media sia lo zoccolo della democrazia». In una lettera pubblicata oggi dallo stesso quotidiano Le Monde, i 26 professori di Economia di università francesi ma anche belghe e statunitensi, mettono in guardia dai rischi di un’ingerenza politica nella ricapitalizzazione del celebre giornale francese, dopo la notizia secondo cui il presidente francese Nicolas Sarkozy sarebbe intervenuto direttamente nel dossier.

«Non vorremmo mica imitare l’Italia o la Russia, dove il potere si oppone all’esistenza di media davvero indipendenti e trae profitto mettendoli sotto controllo?», avvertono i 26 professori nella missiva. Secondo loro, per un reale rilancio del quotidiano, servono mezzi finanziari sufficienti per consentire al giornale non solo di sopravvivere ma di investire. Secondo: i giornalisti devono rimanere completamente indipendenti. Terzo: bisogna denunciare ogni ingerenza politica.


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La vicenda sulla stampa estera

NEW YORK TIMES – 7 ottobre
Italian Court Rejects Prime Minister’s Immunity
Italy’s top court ruled on Wednesday that a law granting Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi immunity from prosecution violates the constitut

EL PAIS – 7 ottobre 2009
El Constitucional echa por tierra la ley de inmunidad que protege a Berlusconi
La decisión del tribunal italiano, por nueve votos a seis, abre la puerta al procesamiento de ‘Il Cavaliere’

LE MONDE – 7 ottobre 2009
La Cour constitutionnelle italienne invalide la loi d’immunité protégeant Berlusconi
La Cour constitutionnelle italienne a invalidé, mercredi 7 octobre, la loi d’immunité qui protégeait Silvio Berlusconi depuis son retour au pouvoir, en 2008

TIMES ONLINE – 7 ottobre 2009
Berlusconi faces fight for career as top Italian court strips PM of immunity
Silvio Berlusconi suffered perhaps the greatest setback in his long career today when Italy’s top court stripped him of immunity from prosecution

AL JAZEERA ONLINE – 7 ottobre 2009
Court ‘annuls Berlusconi immunity’
Italy’s constitutional court has annulled a law that protects Silvio Berlusconi, the country’s prime minister, and other senior officials from prosecution while they are in office

FINANCIAL TIMES – 7 ottobre 2009
Italian court rejects Berlusconi immunity
Italy’s highest court threw out a law granting Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, immunity from prosecution on Wednesday, a judicial source told Reuters.

THE GUARDIAN – 7 Ottobre 2009
Italian court rules Berlusconi’s immunity law unconstitutional
Judges reject prime minister’s act which would exempt him from facing a series of trials for fraud, tax evasion and bribery

BLOOMBERG – 7 Ottobre 2009
Berlusconi Immunity Law Struck Down by Italy’s Highest Court
Italy’s struck down an immunity law that has shielded Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi from two corruption trials that he says are politically motivated

EL PAIS / 7 ottobre
El abogado de Berlusconi: “La ley es igual para todos, no su aplicación”
El Tribunal Constitucional italiano empezó a debatir ayer, bajo enormes presiones del Gobierno y sus medios y rodeado de gran expectación nacional e internacional, la ley conocida como Laudo Alfano, diseñada por los abogados del primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, para bloquear los procesos penales que pesan sobre el magnate milanés

THE TIMES / 7 ottobre
Berlusconi lawyers use ‘Animal Farm’ defence in plea to keep him above law
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyers fought to save his political career yesterday by arguing that the law should regard him as “first above equals” and continue to protect him from prosecution.

THE TIMES / 7 ottobre
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyer believes Italian President is above the law
It was an interesting piece of legal doublethink: although the law was equal for all, said Niccolo Ghedini, the wily and cadaverous personal lawyer for Silvio Berlusconi, “application of the law is another matter”.

THE TELEGRAPH / 6 ottobre
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyers: Italian PM is above the law
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyers said he should be considered above the law, as Italy’s highest court deliberated on whether legislation giving him immunity from prosecution is unconstitutional.

Italy’s top court weighs Berlusconi’s immunity
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s billionaire prime minister weakened by sex scandals and friction in his centre-right coalition, was on Tuesday night left waiting for a critical ruling by the constitutional court on whether he would continue to enjoy immunity from prosecution with two corruption trials pending against him

LE MONDE / 6 ottobre
La Cour constitutionnelle se penche sur l’immunité pénale de M. Berlusconi
Friedrich Nietzsche ne fait pas partie des auteurs de chevet de Silvio Berlusconi. Pourtant, c’est vers lui que ce dernier s’est tourné pour commenter, lundi 5 octobre, les motivations du jugement rendu par le tribunal de Milan condamnant la Fininvest, holding du président du conseil, à verser 749 995 millions d’euros de dédommagement à la CIR, le groupe de Carlo De Benedetti, éditeur des journaux d’opposition L’Espresso et La Repubblica

EL MUNDO / 6 ottobre
El TC italiano estudia la inmunidad de Berlusconi
Los quince magistrados que componen el Tribunal Constitucional de Italia abordan desde hoy el ‘Laudo Alfano’, la ley de inmunidad para los cuatro mayores cargos del Estado, en virtud de la cual han sido suspendidos los procesos judiciales contra el primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi

THE GUARDIAN / 6 ottobre
Court considers stripping Silvio Berlusconi of immunity
Italian prime minister’s lawyer says Berlusconi should be considered ‘first above equals’ before the law

THE TELEGRAPH / 6 ottobre
Silvio Berlusconi could face new prosecutions if immunity lost
Italy’s embattled prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, could face a raft of new prosecutions when the country’s highest court rules on Tuesday whether a law which shields him from criminal prosecution should be repealed.

Le langage des gestes
La scène, dont cette photo témoigne, baigne dans un silence assourdissant. Personne n’ouvre la bouche, mais les expressions, les regards et les mains des trois protagonistes parlent bruyamment pour eux. Silvio Berlusconi est en train de prendre, avec Michelle Obama, une veste si magistrale qu’on en est gêné pour luI

El buscavidas de las gafas oscuras
Entre la abundante fauna vulgar y abrasada por el sol que puebla Berluscolandia, Flavio Briatore es probablemente el tipo más viscoso del catálogo

Les tensions s’exacerbent en Italie entre Silvio Berlusconi et les médias rebelles
Des dizaines, voire des centaines de milliers de manifestants étaient attendus, samedi après-midi 3 octobre, Piazza del Popolo, à Rome, à l’appel de la Fédération nationale de la presse, pour “défendre la liberté d’information”

Bitácora del Presidente
Mientras en Panamá nos debatimos sobre la idoneidad o no de los nuevos personeros del gobierno entrante, en Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, su primer ministro, se debate entre hermosas mujeres para su gobierno

THE TIMES / 3 ottobre
Thousands to march on Rome in protest at Berlusconi’s press clampdown
Thousands of protesters are expected to march through Rome today to defend press freedom and demand answers from Silvio Berlusconi about his conduct

Prostitute tells all about Berlusconi on live TV
Call-girl says Premier knew she had been paid for attending parties in Rome and Sardinia

THE TELEGRAPH / 2 ottobre
Patrizia D’Addario claims Silvio Berlusconi knew she was a prostitute
The call-girl who allegedly slept with Silvio Berlusconi has claimed that the prime minister was well aware that she was a prostitute, during her first interview on Italian state television

THE GUARDIAN / 2 ottobre
Patrizia D’Addario: Silvio Berlusconi knew I was an escort
Live television interview with escort at centre of sex scandal adds to pressure on Italian prime minister

NEW YORK TIMES / 2 ottobre
Woman Says Berlusconi Knew She Was Prostitute
The woman at the centre of a scandal involving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi added a new twist to the saga that has riveted Italians, saying he knew she was a prostitute when she spent the night with him.

NEW YORK TIMES / 2 ottobre
Woman Says Berlusconi Knew She Was Prostitute
The woman at the centre of a scandal involving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi added a new twist to the saga that has riveted Italians, saying he knew she was a prostitute when she spent the night with him.

THE ECONOMIST / 1 ottobre 2009
Muzzling the messengers
ON OCTOBER 3rd a demonstration will be held in Rome to defend media freedom not in a remote dictatorship, but in Italy itself.

EL PAIS / 1 ottobre
Berlusconi declara la guerra a la RAI
Los medios de Il Cavaliere llaman a no pagar el canon de la televisión pública italiana tras la emisión de unas declaraciones de la prostituta Patrizia D’Addario

Economist: “Come con Mussolini museruola a chi informa”
Durissimo attacco del settimanale britannico: “I giornalisti hanno ragione a preoccuparsi e protestare. Italia democrazia fragile, come all’Est”

TIMES / 28 Settembre
Silvio Berlusconi targets Michelle Obama in new ‘suntan’ gibe
Most world leaders try to avoid repeating the same gaffe twice. Not Silvio Berlusconi. The Italian Prime Minister has called President Barack Obama “tanned” again, but this time he did miss the opportunity to joke about the First Lady’s skin colour as well.

TELEGRAPH.CO.UK / 27 settembre
Silvio Berlusconi calls Barack Obama tanned – again
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s gaffe-prone prime minister, has again referred to US President Barack Obama as “suntanned”, days after being snubbed by Michelle Obama at the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh.

LE MONDE / 27 settembre
Berlusconi évoque à nouveau le “bronzage” d’Obama
Le chef du gouvernement italien Silvio Berlusconi a qualifié dimanche le président américain Barack Obama et sa femme Michelle de “bronzés”, dans un discours prononcé à l’occasion de la fête de son parti à Milan, reprenant une plaisanterie qui avait indigné l’opposition.

LA NACION / 27 settembre
A las italianas no las escandalizan los affaires de Berlusconi
Los escándalos de “papi”, como se lo llama ahora al premier italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, que se autoelogia como el mejor de los latin lovers y que en los últimos meses ha creado gran revuelo en todo el mundo por su desenfrenada vida sexual, no han provocado en Italia ninguna rebelión femenina

INDEPENDENT.IE / 27 settembre
Post-scandal Silvio meets with Pope
Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi yesterday had his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI since the Italian leader was implicated in a sex scandal that broke last spring

LE FIGARO / 26 settembre
Michelle Obama garde ses distances avec Berlusconi
Des bises et des embrassades pour les Sarkozy et les Brown ou Angela Merkel mais pas pour Silvio Berlusconi. La presse anglo-saxonne épingle avec humour l’accueil plus réservé qu’a offert jeudi soir Michelle Obama au président du Conseil italien à Pittsburgh. Alors que Silvio Berlusconi ouvre chaleureusement les bras à l’approche de la première dame américaine comme pour lui donner l’accolade, l’épouse de Barack Obama lui tend simplement la main. Le tout sous l’œil attentif de son époux.

Berlusconi redobla sus ataques contra la prensa
La batalla política en Italia sigue jugándose entre Silvio Berlusconi y la prensa. El primer ministro atacó ayer de nuevo a los periodistas, y tras la reunión del Consejo de Ministros anunció que su Gobierno no responderá a “preguntas de cotilleo”

LE TEMPS / 22 settembre
Silvio Berlusconi pris sur «Le Fait»
Plusieurs journalistes, parmi les plus pugnaces, lancent à partir de mercredi un nouveau quotidien, «Il Fatto», qui entend répondre aux attaques du Cavaliere contre la presse d’opposition

DER STANDARD / 21 settembre
Berlusconi-Kritiker Travaglio gründet neue Zeitung
Ein Journalisten-Team um den bekannten Kritiker des italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Silvio Berlusconi, Marco Travaglio, trotzt der Krise in der Medienbranche und gründet eine neue Tageszeitung.

DIE WELT / 21 settembre
Der Herbst des Sultans
Eine Sommerpause hat es für Silvio Berlusconi in diesem Jahr nicht gegeben.Er hat sie sich nicht gegönnt.Luxuriös ausspannen, das war einmal – obwohl er zuletzt gerade für seine rauschenden Feste noch einmal neu berühmt geworden war. Sind ihm die Partys inzwischen vielleicht vergällt geworden? Das würde Italiens schillernder Premier weit von sich weisen

‘Sexist’ Berlusconi faces the backlash of Italian women’s anger
A new generation of Italian women are finding a voice after a ‘summer of sleaze’ in Italian politics

Italia empieza a preparar el ‘día después’ de Berlusconi
El romance del líder con los votantes se agota – Los partidos toman posiciones para el relevo

20MINUTOS.ES / 18 settembre
La prensa italiana protesta contra Berlusconi por llamar a todos los periodistas “canallas”
El diario italiano La Repubblica ha pedido a los periodistas italianos y a sus lectores que les envíen una foto suya con un cartel que diga “Yo también soy un canalla”

Une soirée particulière
Mardi en Italie, une émission a été déprogrammée à la demande du président du conseil, Silvio Berlusconi, de manière à lui assurer une forte audience sur une autre chaîne de télévision. Vous n’y croyez pas?

Berlusconi fait déprogrammer des talk-shows
Une manifestation pour défendre la liberté de la presse a été renvoyée à plus tard en mémoire des soldats italiens tués en Afghanistan

La prensa internacional protesta contra Berlusconi en Bruselas
Tres organizaciones denuncian la ofensiva del Gobierno italiano para acallar los diarios. Los periodistas portan una pegatina a favor de la libertad de información

LE MONDE / 16 settembre 2009
Questions d’honneur
Directeur de «La Repubblica», Ezio Mauro est en première ligne face à Silvio Berlusconi. Visé par une plainte pour diffamation du chef du gouvernement italien, il se défend de toute intention politique et assure ne faire que son travail

FINANCIAL TIMES / 16 settembre
A serious soap opera
Trembling with excitement, the 19-year-old party activist leaps to her feet as Silvio Berlusconi finally enters the outdoor arena in Rome to the applause of a crowd that has been waiting more than an hour as the sun sets behind the nearby Colosseum.

FINANCIAL TIMES / 15 settembre
Italy hits at attacks by dark forces
Franco Frattini, Italy’s foreign minister, insists that the scandals surrounding the private life of Silvio Berlusconi, the prime minister, have not had a direct influence on Italy’s foreign policy but warns that rivals on the international scene are trying to exploit his troubles for their own ends.

TELEGRAPH / 15 settembre
Italy’s speaker to sue Silvio Berlusconi newspaper
Gianfranco Fini, Italy’s speaker of parliament, has announced that he is suing a newspaper owned by Silvio Berlusconi’s family over allegations of involvement in a sex scandal

La vicenda sulla stampa estera

TIME / 14 settembre
How Has Berlusconi Survived His Sex Scandal?
Silvio Berlusconi’s struggle to outrun revelations about his private life has kept headline writers from Tallahassee to Tokyo busy for nearly six months now. The latest chapter began on Sept. 8, with the leaked court testimony of a Bari businessman accused of bringing prostitutes to the Italian Prime Minister’s private residence in Rome

LIBERATION / 12 settembre
Berlusconi mis sous presse
«La Repubblica» ne lâche pas. En interpellant quotidiennement le chef du gouvernement sur ses frasques, le quotidien de centre gauche s’attire les foudres du tycoon des médias

LE MONDE / 12 settembre
Berlusconi et les médias, ou la démocratie à l’agonie, par Fabrizio Tonello
Pour bien saisir la situation italienne, il faut se figurer un homme politique français qui soit à la fois propriétaire de TF1, de France 2 et de M6, capable de nommer ses fidèles à la tête de Radio France et du reste du service public

LE MONDE / 12 settembre
Quand Marina Berlusconi vante les qualités de son père
Il y a deux façons d’aimer son père. Marina Berlusconi, 43 ans, la fille aînée du premier mariage de Silvio Berlusconi, a choisi la plus directe en condamnant les attaques “indignes et honteuses” contre le président du conseil, empêtré dans des scandales privés

LE MONDE / 12 settembre
Basta, Cavaliere!
En décidant d’attaquer pour “diffamation” deux quotidiens de centre gauche – La Repubblica et L”Unità – Silvio Berlusconi se révèle le pire avocat de sa cause

EL PERIODICO / 11 settembre
Berlusconi sonroja a Zapatero con un recital de mal gusto y machismo
El líder italiano citó sus supuestas relaciones con prostitutas ante el silencio del presidente español. «Las mujeres sois el mejor regalo que Dios nos ha dado», dijo el primer ministro a Salgado y Chacón

THE GUARDIAN / 11 settembre
Berlusconi admits suspected pimp brought women to his home
But Italian prime minister continues to laugh off claims of paid sex in return for political favours

EL CLARIN / 11 Settembre
Berlusconi: “Soy el mejor primer ministro de Italia en 150 años”
Se lo dijo el italiano a Zapatero, en una cumbre, donde volvió a criticar a la prensa.

LA VOZ DE GALICIA / 11 settembre
Berlusconi dice que es, con diferencia, «el mejor presidente de la historia italiana»
El mandatario respondió de forma irónica cuando se le preguntó si había pensado dimitir por los problemas que le rodean

Silvio Berlusconi and the Silencing of the Bulls
The Italian Prime Minister should let the press do its job.

LA RIOJA / 11 settembre
Sin remedio
La tardía aclaración del primer ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, sobre su desafortunado comentario hacia el Gobierno paritario constituido por Rodríguez Zapatero tras las elecciones de 2008 pareció ayer, más que una reacción oportuna, un gesto oportunista y confirmó la impresión de que es cada vez más complicado adivinar cuando ‘Il Cavaliere’ habla en serio y cuando bromea

EL PAÍS / 11 settembre
Mejor no frecuentarle
Berlusconi exhibe su confusión entre lo público y lo privado tras una reunión con Zapatero

EL PAÍS / 11 settembre
Amo conquistar. Si pagas, ¿qué gusto hay?
Transcripción del intercambio entre el primer ministro italiano y el corresponsal de EL PAÍS

EL PAÍS / 11 settembre
Berlusconi ante Zapatero: “Nunca he pagado por sexo. Amo conquistar”
El primer ministro se declara “el mejor” en la historia de Italia, califica de “calumnias” sus escándalos y vuelve a atacar a EL PAÍS

IRISH EXAMINER / 11 settembre
Berlusconi: I’ve been the best premier in Italy’s history
Brushing off questions about any possible resignation, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi insisted yesterday that he’s been Italy’s best premier ever and said he was considering suing the woman at the centre of his sex scandal

Berlusconi Rejects Swipes at His Lifestyle
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Thursday rejected criticism that his government had been weakened by months of scrutiny over his personal life, and defended his penchant for “beautiful women.”

INDEPENDENT.IE / 11 settembre
Berlusconi admits pimp brought women to home
Silvio Berlusconi admitted for the first time yesterday that Giampaolo Tarantini, the Bari businessman who is under investigation over drugs and prostitution, had taken “beautiful women” to his parties

LOS ANGELES TIMES / 11 settembre
Italy political scientist likens Berlusconi to a sultan
Giovanni Sartori says Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is ‘from show business’ and his vast media holdings mean many Italians go uninformed about his scandals, including those involving young women

LE MONDE / 10 settembre
Silvio Berlusconi et la presse : la “stratégie de la tension”, par Philippe Ridet
En choisissant de poursuivre en justice pour “diffamation” les quotidiens de gauche La Repubblica (à qui il réclame 1 million d’euros) et L’Unita (3 millions d’euros), Silvio Berlusconi, empêtré dans le feuilleton des révélations sur sa vie privée, poursuit et amplifie une stratégie d’intimidation commencée dès son retour au pouvoir, en mai 2008.

THE AUSTRALIAN / 10 settembre
Silvio Berlusconi sools his paper on to ally
CIVIL war has broken out in the Italian government after Silvio Berlusconi’s mouthpiece newspaper attacked his main political ally, calling him “ridiculous” and a tool of the Left.

THE GUARDIAN / 10 settembre
Italian businessman claims he provided women for parties held by Berlusconi
In five months, some 30 women were procured for parties given by Italy’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, according to a statement to police by the businessman who supplied them. Extracts published today in the newspaper Corriere della Sera identified by name at least half a dozen women who stayed the night at Berlusconi’s Rome residence.

DAILY MAIL / 10 settembre
Berlusconi and his growing gallery of party girls…
In the space of five months Silvio Berlusconi is said to have attended 18 parties packed with beautiful women

IRISH TIMES / 10 settembre
Public interest in Berlusconi soap opera shows no sign of abating
Letter from Rome: the Italian PM’s alleged womanising may eventually reduce him to international ridicule, writes PADDY AGNEW

EL PAIS / 10 settembre
Un amigo de Berlusconi le montó 18 fiestas con prostitutas
“La prostitución y la cocaína son los ingredientes para tener éxito en la sociedad”. Eso le dijo Gianpaolo Tarantini, empresario de Bari y amigo de Silvio Berlusconi, al magistrado de su ciudad Giuseppe Scelsi, que le investiga por corrupción e inducción a la prostitución. Tarantini declaró cinco veces ante el juez entre el 27 y el 31 de julio

LA VOZ DE GALICIA / 10 settembre 2009
Tarantini organizó 18 fiestas con 30 chicas para Berlusconi

El empresario quería así obtener favores y contratos del gobernante

EL MUNDO / 9 settembre
Chicas para Berlusconi a cambio de favores políticos
Chicas a cambio de contratas públicas, de favores políticos. Ése es el objetivo confeso que perseguía el empresario Gianpaolo Tarantini al organizar guateques erótico-festivos para Silvio Berlusconi y otros políticos italianos, como el entonces presidente de la región de Puglia Sandro Frisillo, de centroizquierda.

EL COMERCIO / 7 settembre
“Berlusconi es dulce”
La joven Noemi Letizia, cuyo nombre se hizo famoso después de que el primer ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, acudiera a la fiesta por su 18 cumpleaños, explicó que puso al mandatario el apodo de ‘Papi’ porque es dulce, y negó ser la causa del divorcio de su esposa, Veronica Lar

CLARIN / 7 settembre
La Iglesia intenta recomponer las relaciones con Berlusconi
El Papa recibió a un asesor del premier, jaqueado por varios escándalos sexuales

Teen denies breaking up Berlusconi marriage
The teenager at the heart of PM Silvio Berlusconi’s marital woes has denied any responsibility in the break-up of his marriage, in a television interview

El Siglo / 6 settembre
Bitàcora del Presidente
Mientras en Panamá nos debatimos sobre la idoneidad o no de los nuevos personeros del gobierno entrante, en Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, su primer ministro, se debate entre hermosas mujeres para su gobierno. Es que en Italia, con un acaudalado multimillonario en el poder, son los caprichos y las privaciones del jefe de gobierno lo que hace noticia en los medios. Silvio Berlusconi es uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo. Decidió incursionar en la política.

The Sunday Telegraph / 6 settembre
Berlusconi to give evidence in court against impotency claims
Italy’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is prepared to go to court to testify that claims that he is impotent are false

The Sunday Telegraph / 6 settembre
Don’t blame Silvio Berlusconi, says Umberto Eco, it’s the fault of all Italians
Umberto Eco, author, critic and philosopher, says Italians have all allowed Silvio Berlusconi to have his way

Time / 6 settembre
In Italy, an offended Berlusconi goes on the offensive
If politics is poker, the best players know when to double down and when to cut their losses. For Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a sex scandal that had dogged him for months seemed to be finally quieting by late July. Though his reputation was stained, his popularity was solid and it seemed time to put the controversy behind him and get back to trying to run the country.

Dailymail / 6 settembre
I call Silvio my Daddy because he’s so sweet

The 18-year-old lingerie model breaks her silence over the Italian PM

The Guardian / 4 settembre
The Gaddafi-Berlusconi connection
There is more to the two leaders’ chumminess than political expediency – the pair have a common business interest

The Economist / 3 settembre
Superman strikes back
“I’M NOT only not sick,” said Silvio Berlusconi on September 1st, referring to a hint by his estranged wife. “I’m a Superman!” Like the comic-book hero, Italy’s prime minister has been lashing out at his tormentors three months after being thrown on the defensive by a sex scandal.

Le Monde / 5 settembre
Les frasques de Silvio Berlusconi embarrassent le Vatican et l’Eglise italienne
Le clan Berlusconi a-t-il remporté sa première bataille dans le conflit qui l’oppose, ces dernières semaines, à l’Eglise catholique ? L’annonce, jeudi 3 septembre, de la démission du directeur du journal de l’épiscopat italien, Avvenire, qui mène la charge contre les frasques du chef de gouvernement italien, semble l’attester.

The Sunday Morning Herald / 5 settembre
Mass media mayhem as Berlusconi lashes foe
A HISTORIC – and potentially disastrous – schism has opened between church and state in Italy after the embattled Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, used a newspaper owned by his brother Paolo to stage a virulent attack on the editor of the nation’s main Catholic newspaper.

The Age / 5 settembre
Besieged Berlusconi hits out at the church
A HISTORIC and potentially disastrous schism has opened between church and state after embattled Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi used a family newspaper to launch a virulent attack against the editor of the nation’s main Catholic newspaper.

Tribune de Geneve / 5 settembre
L’Italie est minée par la «Videocracy»
«Le pouvoir de la télévision devient presque surnaturel en Italie», déclare Erik Gandini. Il n’y a pourtant pas de petits hommes verts au programme… Sur les trois chaînes nationales du groupe Mediaset, propriété privée de Silvio Berlusconi, paradent avant tout des corps féminins pailletés, huilés, emplumés ou, au contraire, déplumés. «Ces femmes semblent toutes sorties du même moule. Elles viennent faire leur parade en espérant épouser un footballeur.»

The Irish Times / 5 settembre
Berlusconi’s grip on media criticised
Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s grip on television in Italy is at the heart of Videocracy, a new documentary examining how his media empire has shaped information and culture in the country over 30 years.

EL PAIS / 5 settembre
“Berlusconi usa sus medios para tapar la boca a sus enemigos”
La Repubblica es blanco de la ofensiva de Silvio Berlusconi contra la prensa italiana crítica y la Iglesia. Su director, Ezio Mauro, dice que el primer ministro aspira al poder absoluto y que usa su imperio mediático para tapar la boca a sus enemigos.

GUARDIAN / 4 settembre
TV network’s attempt to stifle Silvio Berlusconi documentary backfires
Berlusconi-owned network’s refusal to screen trailer for critical documentary Videocracy results in surge of interest about the film

Ministers’ guide to surviving sex scandals
A ministerial resignation over a sex scandal prompts serious considerations over where to draw the line between public role and private life. Lines of principle become increasingly blurred but a key aspect of any scandal is that there is rarely a close correlation between the seriousness of the offence and the severity of the punishment. Political and media factors typically seem more important than legal and moral ones.

EL CLARIN / 4 settembre
Triunfo de Berlusconi: renuncia el director de un diario que lo criticó
En medio de un creciente enfrentamiento, el director del diario de los obispos italianos Avvenire renunció ayer imprevistamente a su cargo en forma “irrevocable” tras sufrir una ofensiva mediática victoriosa por parte del diario Il Giornale, de la familia de Silvio Berlusconi.

LA VANGUARDIA / 4 settembre
Berlusconi dice que ha sufrido una campaña difamación tras dimisión de Boffo
El primer ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, dijo sobre la dimisión del director del Avvenire, Dino Boffo, que ha sido él mismo quien ha sufrido una campaña de difamación, informan los medios de comunicación italianos. “Lo lamento humanamente por él, pero no tengo nada que ver” con el caso del director del diario de los obispos, aseguró Berlusconi tras celebrar anoche el Consejo de Ministros.

Unselige Wut
Berlusconi dreht auf: Keiner ist mehr sicher vor seiner beispiellosen Offensive. Nicht die Zeitungen, nicht die Europäische Union – und noch nicht einmal die katholische Kirche

Concita De Gregorio: “Berlusconi todo lo compra; lo que no puede, lo acalla”
Desde el 2008 dirige L’Unità –el rotativo fundado en 1924 por Antonio Gramsci, uno de los padres del Partido Comunista Italiano–, al que Berlusconi demandó el miércoles por considerar difamatorios dos artículos publicados en julio y agosto. En ellos se habla sin tapujos de las fiestas sexuales del jefe de Gobierno, el mismo tema que ayer desencadenó la dimisión del director del diario de los obispos Avvenire, Dino Boffo.

Press War Fuels Row In Italy
An influential Roman Catholic newspaper editor who questioned the lifestyle of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi resigned his post Thursday — a casualty of a bruising newspaper war that has opened a rift between the Vatican and the premier.

EL PAIS / 4 settembre
Peligro público
Desde el 14 de mayo el diario italiano La Repubblica publica cada día 10 preguntas dirigidas al primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, sobre distintas cuestiones cuyo hilo conductor es la relación entre sus comportamientos privados y sus responsabilidades públicas

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Il gangster pagliaccio e il mondo

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Berlusconi, zimbello del mondo

Amici miei, siamo sempre più guardati come marziani da tutto il mondo civile e civilizzato. Ecco altri interventi dei maggiori giornalisti del pianeta  sulle intimidazioni mafiose di questo gangster da strapazzo che si è rubato l’Italia.


Commenti e messaggi a Repubblica dai principali mezzi di informazione europea e Usa

I giornali esistono per fare domande

E dagli Usa: “Qui non avrebbe potuto”

La decisione di Silvio Berlusconi di denunciare “Repubblica” semplicemente per avere posto legittime domande sulla sue scappatelle sessuali è scandalosa. Lo stesso vale per le sue minacce di

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Berlusconi preoccupa il mondo

Commenti e messaggi a Repubblica dai principali mezzi di informazione europea e Usa



I giornali esistono per fare domande

E dagli Usa: “Qui non avrebbe potuto”

E’ un inammissibile attacco alla libertà di espressione e di critica. Non mi stupisce che venga da un personaggio come Berlusconi, ma

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“Berlusconi, potere senza limiti”

Il duro attacco dell’ex direttore di Le Monde, Colombani

“Berlusconi, potere senza limiti”

Guatemala, Nuova Zelanda, Zimbabwe: lo scandalo sulla stampa di tutto il mondo

Il Daily Mail pubblica foto del premier: Ghedin annuncia azioni legali
dal nostro inviato GIAMPAOLO CADALANU



LONDRA – Il giudizio di Jean-Marie Colombani è lapidario: “Berlusconi si comporta come se

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Censura bulgara

Se ne parla in tutto il mondo (tranne che in Italia)

di Marco Lignana

La notizia delle registrazioni della D’Addario e Berlusconi ha fatto il giro dei siti, giornali e televisioni di tutto il mondo. Ma non da noi

Tranne le eccezioni del

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